Cold nights and bright sunny days are upon us as maple season gets underway; a perquisite to making the liquid gold so many of us enjoy on pancakes, snow, and ice cream. February and March are the peak sugaring months for more than 200 sugar-makers as they produce the finest tasting maple syrup in the country. During those months, plumes of steam can be seen drifting from the sugar houses and evaporators as you drive throughout Connecticut.
Visiting a Connecticut sugarhouse is not only a fun learning experience but when you buy Connecticut Grown maple syrup, you are contributing to the protection of Connecticut farms and its working landscape. You are part of the solution of protecting farmland, stimulating the local economy, supporting small businesses, and preserving this time-honored tradition of maple sugaring in Connecticut. Prior to your visit, please make sure you call ahead to ensure you can experience the process of sugaring first hand. You will not regret it!