MSPAC Pre-Season Meeting
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Thomaston High School,
Address: 185 Branch Rd, Thomaston, CT 06787
MSPAC Annual Meeting
- Coffee and Donuts, check-in, mingle with vendors and other members
- Hydrometer testing drop off (CT Table)
- Business Meeting and Maple updates
- Opening Comments
- November Minutes
- Budget Report – Debra Lemek
- Dues for NAMSC and IMSI
- Maple Weekend
- Ag Day – Bill Farrell
9:45-10:00 - Break
10:00-11:30 - Will Streeter and Mike Quinn (CDL) Keynote Speaker - Quality Control, small
scale production and sugarbush monitoring.
11:30-1:00 - Lunch $10.00, mingle with vendors and socialize while you enjoy lunch
12:30 Raffle: - Ron Wenzel
12:30-2:00 - Maple 101 – Bill Farrell
1:00-2:00 Workshops
- Mark Malley - Sugarhouse Technology and Automation
- Matt Wilkinson - Filtering and Bottling
2:00 Adjourn
Thomaston High School,
Address: 185 Branch Rd, Thomaston, CT 06787
MSPAC Annual Meeting
- Coffee and Donuts, check-in, mingle with vendors and other members
- Hydrometer testing drop off (CT Table)
- Business Meeting and Maple updates
- Opening Comments
- November Minutes
- Budget Report – Debra Lemek
- Dues for NAMSC and IMSI
- Maple Weekend
- Ag Day – Bill Farrell
9:45-10:00 - Break
10:00-11:30 - Will Streeter and Mike Quinn (CDL) Keynote Speaker - Quality Control, small
scale production and sugarbush monitoring.
11:30-1:00 - Lunch $10.00, mingle with vendors and socialize while you enjoy lunch
12:30 Raffle: - Ron Wenzel
12:30-2:00 - Maple 101 – Bill Farrell
1:00-2:00 Workshops
- Mark Malley - Sugarhouse Technology and Automation
- Matt Wilkinson - Filtering and Bottling
2:00 Adjourn